It was a story of one former runaway girl. She had gone through a variety of experiences such as sniffing paint thinner (A paint thinner/organic solvent chemicals junkie), cohabitation that once used to be considered immoral back in those days in Japan, survived an attempted rape case, then started working in pubs, finally landed on adult film industry as soon-would-be an popular porn star prior to become a very popular TV talent thus a celebrity in Japan.
Her name was Ai Iijima.
The news of her death seemed to have spread all over Japan. In addition, the news went across the Sea of Japan & East China Sea. She became the most googled person in the P.R. China. In her early life, it had been full of tragedy and adventurous experience. However, as she became famous on TV, her blunt/candid statements about everything around her got attention among lay people who watch TV in Japan. As a consequence, she became a sex symbol among young Japanese male, then also established the same position even among Chinese men. In her autobiography, she wrote everything that people want to know about her, which would be considered embarrassing, something that anyone would not want to reveal much less as a celebrity. Her past deed was condensed in the book, according to various sources in the Internet.
After gaining popularity among TV viewers, her life turned around. She started living in a luxurous mansion at the heart of Tokyo, where living expense is quite expensive on the planet. Nevertheless, she had been suffering from intractable deep rooted disease. I am not talking about her pyelonephritis that she suffered. It was unceasing thirst and loneliness that she once revealed stopping by at a police station nearby her place. Nobody will ever know the truth about her despair. Yet, we all can tell that the very desperate, lonely life must have deeply affected her late life having read articles about her death and life before it.
She got money, popularity, a nice house, and her new business was just started. Everything finally seemed to got settled in such a way that everybody else would want. This part of her life could be compared to "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi. When everything seems to start going well, Mr. Ilyich died in the midst of deep despair and loneliness. As opposed to the Tolstoi's literature, Ms. Ai Iijima got some friends who were supportive, however, the common denomenator would be the unbearable loneliness of both two different persons. There is no evidence, however I'm sure that she decided to convert herself to lead a better life that can be accepted by anyone in the society. As the conversion occurred, she started suffering from pyelonephritis just like Ivan Ilyich also suffered from an unknown disease for a certain amount of time.
When you are a delinquent student, you feel you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want. You will probably feel that your life will last forever. You will waste your time and you don't care that you're wasting it due to the feeling of eternity. Later in your life, you will be made to realize that you are not living your life, rather you are allowed to live on the planet by the grace of God & the Nature. You do realize that your life must end at a certain point. Her death truly must be a sensational, shocking incident indeed, particularly those who are familiar with her TV programs or her past porn movies and so forth. As for me, her life, her death itself seems like the Tolestoi's literature somehow.
Let me pray her Rest in Peace, in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amin.
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi
Platonic Sex by Ai Iijima* (* Deceased)